> Out of tree kernel modules are a maintenance pain in the ass, and cause
> severely non-obvious problems like this. Every time you upgrade your kernel,
> you must rebuild the out-of-tree modules, and you do that by re-running
> "emerge madwifi-ng". This builds a new modules that matches the currently
> configured kernel (/usr/src/linux/) and puts the module in
> /lib/modules/<version>
> Upgrade your kernel a few times and you have various versions of modules
> floating around. Portage remembers the modules installed by the most recent
> emerge, but AFAIK forgets all the previous ones. This is expected of course -
> when you upgrade firefox-2 to firefox-3 you would not expect the system to
> remember the firefox-2 files (as they are supposed to not be there anymore)

Your explanation is extremely helpful here.  Thanks!  As long as I
know the expectation, I can plan for it when troubleshooting.  I can
certainly see the 'pain in the ass' factor there.  :-)  I was
originally chasing a panic caused by ath_pci - but now that I've
looked more closely at the issue that you describe here, I see that I
did manage to get 2 incompatible interdependent modules installed in
the system...grrr.  I'll be doing some more-than-casual tinkering with
ath_pci vs ath5k in the coming weeks, so I'll probably just plan not
to use that ebuild for the present moment.  :-)  Although....would it
be non-trivial for me to try and extend the ebuild to make it clean up
after itself on unmerge?

Along the same lines, how does the ebuild know what to remove on
--unmerge?  For example I'm wandering around and looking at ebuilds:

prometheus ethtool # pwd
prometheus ethtool # ls
ChangeLog  Manifest  ethtool-6.ebuild  metadata.xml
prometheus ethtool #

I see nothing in that ebuild which describes the files that ethtool
put on the system.  Yet an --unmerge removes the binaries and

So I found a CONTENTS file:

prometheus ethtool-6 # pwd
prometheus ethtool-6 # cat CONTENTS
dir /usr
dir /usr/sbin
obj /usr/sbin/ethtool e830749ff2f81cc25b6629b19e93e3e7 1241002052
dir /usr/share
dir /usr/share/doc
dir /usr/share/doc/ethtool-6
obj /usr/share/doc/ethtool-6/NEWS.bz2 8757829b0fb19bb74c968c203fc76b68
obj /usr/share/doc/ethtool-6/AUTHORS.bz2
11b48a9d12c1cebcb2ae6bb29e80d1e1 1241002049
obj /usr/share/doc/ethtool-6/ChangeLog.bz2
08b981d7a1afb29bbac1636ae81026c2 1241002049
obj /usr/share/doc/ethtool-6/README.bz2
3188a9ad571f7e4e4d0c1df4479db6d4 1241002049
dir /usr/share/man
dir /usr/share/man/man8
obj /usr/share/man/man8/ethtool.8.bz2 71a609e8a269cc9dcc0e813e77675ab6
prometheus ethtool-6 #

Based on this, it looks like portage internally records the files
which get installed.....and then can retrieve this information later
(qfile might want this information, --unmerge might want it...etc.).
Is this the correct way to understand how portage maintains sanity?



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