On Wed, 06 May 2009 07:29:51 +0200
Robert Cernansky wrote:

> Back to 8x13... I must admit now it's a mystery for me why X does
> not find 8x13 while it finds 6x13. Try following:
> 1. Do 'equery belongs /usr/share/fonts/misc'
> This gives you list of all packages that have some files in misc
> directory. 2. Stop X.
> 3. Unmerge all packages listed in 1.
> 4. Remove all remaining files in misc directory (or move them
> somewhere else).
> 5. Emerge packages unmerged in 3. (or you can try emerge just
> font-misc-misc.

Hello Robert,

Likely font-misc-misc was removed by "emerge --depclean" a while back
and nothing went wrong until my workstation was restarted due to a
power outage.

Yesterday morning I had installed font-misc-misc and added FontPath
directives to xorg.conf.  Yesterday evening I restarted X without any
emacs behavior changes.

This morning, as you suggested, I unmerged font-misc-misc and
font-alias, emerged them, and restarted X.  Now emacs is happy.

As an experiment, I removed FontPath info from xorg.conf and the emacs
font problem came back.  Evidently my impression that xorg.conf no
longer needed to have font information was wrong :-<

Thanks for your continued assistance.  It's much appreciated.



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