On Sun, 17 May 2009 10:20:33 +0300
Nikos Chantziaras <rea...@arcor.de> wrote:

> >> What if we could just specify patches to be applied in, say,
> >> /etc/portage/packages.patch with something like:
> >>
> >>   media-video/smplayer j-random-hack.patch
> >> Can someone think of a way to set up something like this?

I'd suggest passing the list of patches thru the environment - it
should be much easier to implement than commandline. Like this:

  MY_PATCHES='j-random-hack.patch' emerge media-video/smplayer

Then you can edit /usr/portage/eclass/base.eclass, adding processing of
this var and all the patching you need to "base_src_util" function,
right after "unpack ${A}".
In fact, I think I've seen such thing already implemented somewhere,
but prehaps it's just a by-product of my imagination.

Mike Kazantsev // fraggod.net

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