On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 13:01 -0600, Maxim Wexler wrote:
> Hi group,
> Creating LVM partitions on SSD and SD card using systemrescuecd-1.2.0
> while following doc, 'Gentoo LVM2 installation'.  In the doc it says
> to edit the 'filter =' statement in lvm.conf in order to scan the
> correct devices. But just below it says to use #pvcreate with the
> appropriate devices. But if you use pvcreate to specify the device
> you're planning to partition what's the point in editing lvm.conf?
> Edited it anyways.
> Now have:
> ...
> filter= [ "r|/dev/ndb.*|", "a|/dev/sd[ab]|" ] # only changed 'accept' line
> ...
> /root % vgscan
>     Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
> Well, no, it was more or less instant. There was no further output and
> the prompt reappeared. Does this mean everything is cool or that
> vgscan found nothing?

You still need pvcreate to create PVs.  What the filter parameter is for
is for when LVM scans for PVs.  Basically pvcreate puts a header on the
device so that vgscan and friends knows that it's a PV.  It may be
undesirable to scan some devices (e.g. optical drives) for PVs.

Having said that, usually the defaults for filter and exclude are fine
and you don't need to play with them (as is the case for many defaults).

You'll know if LVM has detected your PVs by running pvdisplay.  If your
PV doesn't show up either a: you didn't pvcreate it or b: it didn't get
scanned due to your filter or exclude params.


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