Harry Putnam wrote:
> Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> writes:
>> You could always sync then do a emerge -uv procmail. then it would only
>> upgrade procmail and any friends that need to be updated.  That would
>> mostly likely miss most of the other updates that you are wanting to
>> skip for the moment.
> yeah... its a thought... but why emerge world then procmail again when
> I know it won't emerge unless something is done about the getline bug?
> I wanted to check in most recent portage to see if any changes were
> made to procmail.

I was thinking about NOT doing the emerge -u world part.  That would
skip updating everything that has updates applied on your system.  Doing
just a emerge -u procmail would only update procmail and the
dependencies if any are needed. 

Keep in mind, you can upgrade packages as needed without updating the
whole system.  I wouldn't recommend this long term tho.  Those upgrades
can add up pretty quick and come back to bite you later.  Going longer
than a month or two on a Gentoo system without a update is not


:-)  :-) 

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