Setting a version to local kernel builds has been discussed here so
sorry to bang on it some more.

I found information here from a previous thread and kept one of the
answers but finding now that I don't really understand it.

Or am doing the proceedure wrong.

It was Neil B's post:

  From: Neil Bothwick <>
  Subject: Re: Append string on Kernel builds
  Newsgroups: gmane.linux.gentoo.user
  Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 14:11:22 +0000
  Message-ID: <20090120141122.46b83...@krikkit>
  On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 14:43:56 -0600, wrote:
  > I like to use that and put `-$MYHOST' as string.  I wondered if
  > there is any way to set a numericly incrementing string.  Maybe
  > some trick syntax that can go in that spot?
  cd /usr/src/linux
  echo "-${MYHOST}-" >localversion1
  ln -s .version localversion2
  The build system adds the contents of any localversion* files it
  finds, and it also increments .version.

But when I try this I get only the $MYHOST part (in this case
host=reader) and not the increment.

So for linux-2.6.30-gentoo-r1

and in /usr/src/linux
 cat localverion1:

Cat .version:
And the symlink
 ls -l localversion2
 lrwxrwxrwx [...] Jun 12 18:01 localversion2 -> .version
I get this naming after a build:


No version gets appended.

I understood it should have also append the numeric version and
increment it each time I build that kernel.

Anyone see where I'm dorking this up?

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