Am Saturday 13 June 2009 07:46:34 schrieb Jason Lynch:
> I'm having a strange problem on my Q6600 that cropped up starting with
> the 2.6.29 series of the kernel, and is still present in 2.6.30.
> Essentially, at all times, I have four nice 19 processes running, which
> for the sake of this post, we'll call "dnetc". All four cores are
> utilized. At this point, if I start another CPU-bound process that isn't
> niced, it begins to take up an entire core. This is expected. What isn't
> expected, however, is that another core begins idling inexplicably. As a
> result, despite 5 processes currently available to run, only 3 are
> actually running at any given time (the non-niced process, and two
> instances of dnetc).
How do you know how many processes are running? What does 'top' say about CPU 
usage and load? Maybe dnetc has two threads, which can each occupy a core, so 
you have still 4 threads that are running, in 3 processes. You still should 
get a load of 5 or higher.
You don't have a lot of IO load, do you?

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