On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 19:32:56 -0600, Maxim Wexler wrote:

> Going cuckoo here @!#>. I said it was fixed.  I uncommented the
> rc_hotplug line in rc.conf and rebooted and it worked! The volumes
> were found and mounted. Fantasia! Now I rebooted again having tried to
> shut of dhcpcd, using rc-update del net.lo  because I'd rather do that
> manually, but not only do the  volumes not mount, dhcpcd is still
> running and taking its own sweet time finding out there is no net
> service available at this location unless it involves a phone line.
> Guess you're right, I don't want hotplugging.

I never said you don't want hotplugging. Set rc_hotplug to
"!net.*" to disable network hotplugging, and add net.lo back to the boot
runlevel, you really don't want to disable that, and
it doesn't need DHCP.

Neil Bothwick

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.

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