In <> (Neil 
Bothwick) writes:

>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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>On Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:10:20 +0000 (UTC), Konstantinos Agouros wrote:

>> In this case it is eth1 which doesn't work if tulip is loaded before
>> de4x5.=20

>As previously requested,please try to be a bit more specific than
>"doesn't work".
If Tulip is loaded first no packets get in and out of the card that
needs de4x5.

>> I also do not think that building the modules in the kernel
>> gives me any control over the order in which they are discovered.

>It does if you build one into the kernel. But this is a kludge, depending
>on the meaning of "doesn't work", either a udev rule or module options
>should handle this cleanly.
You can now hear me slapping my hand on my forehead. That's it! Why didn't
I think of it? Thanks!

Dipl-Inf. Konstantin Agouros aka Elwood Blues. Internet:
Otkerstr. 28, 81547 Muenchen, Germany. Tel +49 89 69370185
"Captain, this ship will not survive the forming of the cosmos." B'Elana Torres

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