Florian Philipp wrote:
> Dale schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> I have ran into this from time to time and it is really irritating to
>> say it lightly.  When I use my DVD drive and eject the DVD, hal seems to
>> not unmount the device.  That then causes me to get messages like this
>> in /var/log/messages:
> [...]
>> Since this happens every few seconds, my messages file can get pretty
>> large in a hurry.  I have logrotate and plenty of disk space but this is
>> still annoying as heck.  I can stop it by manually unmounting the drive
>> but I sometimes forget to do that.
>> Can someone tell me how to beat some sense into this thing and make it
>> unmount when I am done and the drive is empty?  This has happened over
>> many different versions of hal so specific versions doesn't seem to
>> matter.  Just in case:
> [...]
> How did you eject the DVD? Did you press the button on the drive, did
> you use `eject` or maybe your desktop environment offers you that option
> (thunar, nautilus, kde, ...)?

I just push the button on the drive.  I have always done it that way. 
At one time the eject thing in the KDE menu wouldn't actually eject.  It
just sat there blinking at me.  :/

Should I use the menu and not the button?


:-)  :-) 

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