Dirk Heinrichs writes:

> Am Samstag 04 Juli 2009 14:51:54 schrieb Alex Schuster:
> > Dirk Heinrichs writes:
> > > having said that, you can even do w/o
> > > initramfs, just put everything into /boot (which should be a separate
> > > partition, then). Again, see my reply to David for the details.
> >
> > Interesting. Getting rid of initramfs looks like a simpler approach, no
> > need to fiddle with cpio in order to change things.
> Also with initramfs, you don't need to fiddle with cpio. The kernel build
> system does this for you.

Right. But at my first attempts I had some problems, and investigated them 
by looking into /init in the initramfs. In order to understand this stuff, I 
need to see it :)

> > I do not want to have to enter a password every time my machine boots,
> > so I put the key onto a stick.
> And how do you protect the key on the stick? What if you loose it?

It's a long sentence from The Hichhiker's Guide To The Galaxy I can find 
again. And meanwhile I also have a gpg-encrypted backup of the stick's 
partition somewhere.

> > And simply made it the same for all
> > partitions. And while I was at it, for maximum security, I also put
> > /boot onto the stick. Sure, who would ever break into my house and
> > modify my boot partition, replacing the kernel with kernel+keylogger or
> > such... but then, I would probably also not need to encrypt my stuff at
> > all.
> Encryption doesn't protect a _running_ system, because then, all needed
> LVs are readable. 

By me only. And when I leave, the screensaver kicks in and asks for a 

> It only protects the system while switched of (so that
> an attacker can not acces your data after stealing the entire system, or
> after you sold your harddisk).


> > > Then you did something wrong. It works out of the box.
> >
> > Really? I know it does for root and swap (it works here), but how do I
> > tell the system to also luskOpen all my other LVM volumes?
> By listing them in /etc/conf.d/dmcrypt.

Oh, thanks. I overlooked this. Did not find this mentioned in any of the 
guides I read, and I thought it only belonged to /etc/nit.d/dm-crypt, which 
is for baselayout 2. But I should have found it being used while editing 

I think I will try that, then. With a little modification, I will try to add 
a & after dm_crypt_execute_${SVCNAME}, so all LVMs will be opened in 
parallel. Otherwise it takes a second for each LVM, and I have 12 of them.


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