Mick wrote:
> On Sunday 05 July 2009, Dale wrote:
>> Matt Harrison wrote:
>>> Grant wrote:
>>>> I have good equipment and good methods for connecting to the internet
>>>> via ethernet, wireless, or cell phone while travelling, and I'm also
>>>> wondering about dial-up.  Does it work well on Gentoo?  Should a
>>>> laptop's internal modem work, or would I be better off buying an
>>>> external one?  Has anyone found dial-up to be a useful method of
>>>> connection while travelling?
>>>> - Grant
>>> This is going back a few years, I haven't had any experience recently.
>>> A lot of modems used to be referred to as Softmodems, those that
>>> depended hugely on the operating system (very often Windows). Those
>>> modems were a bitch to get working under linux. We used to have to
>>> make sure we were buying hardware modems. A lot of internal modems
>>> were Softmodems and were pretty useless for linux.
>>> As I say, this may be totally out of date now, but it's possible you
>>> won't get an internal modem working under linux. If this is the case,
>>> you will have to buy a proper hardware one.
>>> Hope this gives a little bit of info.
>>> ~Matt
>> This is very true.  Buy a external serial modem, not a USB only one
>> either.  External serial is the only ones I can find that are hardware
>> based.  My modem has a USB port but I use the serial port.  If it is
>> only USB, it could very well be a software modem.  Be cautious on that.
>> Mine is a Actiontec brand.  I did have one to fail but it got hit by
>> lightening big time.  It even blew up the telephone box outside.  It
>> didn't let it get through to my computer tho. Otherwise, I have not had
>> any problems.
>> If you are unsure, send a link to what you find and maybe we can help
>> make sure it will work.
> Many softmodems today have Linux drivers and work straight out of the box.  
> My 
> laptop has a lucent modem and I have had no problems at all with it.  Often 
> use it when out and about, or when I want to run a test from a different IP 
> address than my ADSL connection.  The only thing is I have to remember to 
> re-emerge it when I compile a new kernel (module-rebuild).

You are the first person I have heard that it works for.  If the OP can
get what is built in to work, then that may be a good option.  If not,
he may as well buy a modem that he knows will work.  External serial
works every time.  No special drivers to keep up with either.


:-)  :-) 

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