On Mon, 2009-07-06 at 17:53 -0400, Mike Edenfield wrote:
> On 7/6/2009 4:23 PM, Jarry wrote:
> > Mike Edenfield wrote:
> >> On 7/6/2009 2:23 PM, Jarry wrote:
> >>> MAKEOPTS="-j2"
> >> Can you try this again without -j2 in the make opts? The gcc build
> >> process is enough of a pain to debug when you can see output
> >> sequentially, running parallel makes makes it worse.
> > Now this is strange: I commented out that MAKEOPTS="-j2" in make.conf
> > and gcc compilled without any complaint. I did not change anything
> > else! Can't believe this. I will check it tomorrow again, with -j2
> > and without...
> I can't explain why this happens but I do know that I've seen a number 
> of complex builds (especially gcc/glibc) that just randomly fail when 
> using a parallel make.  I see this effect on FreeBSD moreso than Gentoo, 
> but I suspect that's only a question of scale.
> --Mike

Try MAKEOPTS="-j1" - the default is still j2 if you just delete the

Ive also seen this a lot recently.  Serialising the make process into
one thread helps.


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