On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Neil Bothwick<n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
> It doesn't matter. Once you have chrooted you are using software
> installed in the chroot.
> However, it may not be possible to use revdep-rebuild without ncurses, in
> which case you need some kind soul with a similar setup to provide you
> with a binary package of ncurses, which you can unpack into your root
> directory.

This is exactly what happened.  I used the systemrescuecd, chrooted,
and, lo and behold, the same error message was coming up.  What I
might be able to do is symlink to libncursesw ?  Don't know whether
it's even on the system.

On the other hand, with a binary ncurses, I could see that might work.
 Is there a binary repo?  (Back to sabayon?).  I suppose I need to
know the exact version.  Does it matter which use flags it was
compiled with?

Thank you!


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