I don't want to get into a flamewar over this, but I'm working on
Fortran 77 program for a personal project.  Because the gcc maintainers
gave up on F77, and f95 is partial superset that deprecates some F77
stuff, I'm trying to do this with the DJGPP g77 compiler under DOS
emulation.  g77 dies under DOSBOX, so I switched to DOSEMU.  I've been
able to test-build "Hello World" and was itching to get started.  I
really don't like DOS EDIT (and it's memory constrained), and I love
VIM.  So the 32-bit DOS version of VIM seemed a natural choice within
DOSEMU.  But any attempt to save a file after editing causes error
messages galore, and wipes out the original file (OUCH!).  A bit of
detective work shows that DOS VIM starts off with zero-byte files that
have weird permissions, like so...

waltd...@d530 ~/.dosemu/drive_c/tmp $ ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 waltdnes users 104 Aug  1 20:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 waltdnes users 336 Aug  1 21:01 ..
-r--r--r-- 1 waltdnes users   0 Aug  1 18:08 VIEW.BAT~
-r--rw-r-- 1 waltdnes users   0 Aug  1 20:59 hw.for~

  Needless to say, it cannot save to read-only files.  I've already
tried monkeying with umask, with no effect.

  For now, I use an xterm with linux VIM editing the DOS files, and
DOSEMU runs in another window, where I do the compile and test runs.
Yeah, it works, but I'd prefer an all-in-one solution.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>

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