On 08/03/2009 03:51 PM, Mark Knecht wrote:

Again as history, I first noticed this issue when emerging gcc-4.3.2.
I had 4.1.2 on the system, in use, as well as these old line items in
gcc-config. Once I had rebuilt the system with 4.3.2 I did an emerge
-C =sys-devel/gcc-4.1.2 and got rid of that one both from the system
and this list, but this thread was about 'stranded' options which are
the 3.3.3 and 3.4.4 selections.

Are these options held in a file somewhere that can be edited by hand?
Is there some option to gcc-config that can clean them up?

Have a look in /etc/env.d/gcc/ and /usr/libexec/gcc/ and /usr/lib/gcc/
for any old files or directories that shouldn't be there. Particular
attention to /etc/env.d/gcc.

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