On Wednesday 12 August 2009 12:43:27 bn wrote:

> So I am becoming very reluctant in updating critical components -one
> example is my kernel, which is basically untouched since I installed, in
> late 2007. I know it's counterproductive, because the more I wait, the
> worse it is, but it's always a matter of time, and I don't have that
> time -not to update per se, which I have, but to face problems in case
> critical updates don't go smooth.
> Any advice on this kind of situation? I would rather not buy a "backup
> laptop".

Keeping the previous (working) kernel, and having a rescue disk around usually 
is enough to fix most kinds of breakages. Also building binary packages is 
useful for quickly restored broken packages (FEATURES=buildpkg or something 
like that in make.conf).

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