
I been looking for a way to "disable" this so called "feature" but I
can't find anything to disable this Google thing Seamonkey does.  I
bookmark a lot of websites and use keywords to go to them.  The local
weather forecast for example is "fore".  It works but Google gets in the

Now to explain a little.  When I mouse click in the address location and
enter "fore", this little thing pops up and wants to do a Google search
for the word "fore".  Naturally this does NOT get me to the local
weather forecast since it bypasses looking for the keyword.  I like the
history feature that pops up but I want to get rid of the Google search
part.  If I want to search for something with Google, I type in gg and
then type in what I am searching for.

I have looked in preferences, even looked at the USE flags but I can't
figure out how to get rid of this.  It is annoying as heck.  I like
Google but I know how to get there myself, even have a shortcut to get
there.  How do I get rid of this?

Thanks much.


:-)  :-) 

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