On Sun, 2009-08-16 at 18:49 +0200, Ward Poelmans wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 18:40, M Daniel R M<4.maga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > firefox: Here the problem is very very annoying, I've run firefox before
> > with many other Linux flavours and never..., never got to this status of
> > inability; once you've got about six tabs opened on the same frame
> > window, firefox gets close to hang, and you become unable to manage it
> > anymore, unless you have an infinite patience. Doing "top" from a CLI
> > shows a %CPU _over_ 100%, amazing!. At the end, you'll have to kill the
> > process from console.
> Have you tried running firefox with all your extensions and plugins
> disabled? Which version of firefox are you running and what use flags
> do you use?
> Ward
Yes, after your suggestion ;-) 

I had those extensions, until today: babelfish, boost for facebook,
foxlingo, suggestmeyes. 
They are not on my firefox web browser any more.
Then I tried once again, and the problem continued there, exactly the
same. Well, I didn't want to touch the next, but..
Now I just have two more extensions left, the most used for me: pdf
download, and clickweather. I just disabled them. 
Tried again several tabs and now... it's OK. Everything seems to be
running pretty stably. 

Mozilla Firefox Version: 3.0.11

USE flags I use are pasted here on my first mail, man.

Thank you very much, the problem seems to be located. Now I ask to
myself whether there is anything I could do in order to have enabled
those two extensions, working and without leave stability on firefox, or
maybe this is, at the moment, not possible.

Daniel Rguez. Magarzo

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