Walter Dnes wrote:
>   I recently bought a USR5637 USB dialup modem for my 2nd PC.  I chose
> it because it's small, and specifically claims to support linux.
> Following instructions at I
> * recompiled the kernel with CDC(ACM) USB modem support
> * tried "mknod /dev/usb/ttyACM0 c 166 0"
> * woops, no /dev/usb/.  So I did "mkdir /dev/usb" and then the mknod
> * I rebooted, and discovered that /dev/usb was gone
>   For now I have the mkdir and mknod commands in /etc/conf.d/local/start
> to recreate them at each bootup, but putting stuff in there is usually a
> last resort.  Is there a "more correct" way of doing it?
>   BTW, the modem works.  I ssh'd from my main machine to the 2nd
> computer and dialed into my dialup ISP, and launched a w3m text browser
> session.  The scarey part is that there is no modem noise to let me
> know when I'm connected.  But ifconfig indicated that I now had ppp0, in
> addition to lo and eth0.  Plus I went to with w3m and got
> an IP address that reversed DNS to my dialup provider.

I'm not positive but I think you can set it to save /dev here: 
/etc/conf.d/rc  This is the section I am thinking would be the correct one:

# Set to "yes" if you want to save /dev to a tarball on shutdown
# and restore it on startup.  This is useful if you have a lot of
# custom device nodes that udev does not handle/know about.


I hope that helps.


:-)  :-) 

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