On Sonntag 06 September 2009, Alan E. Davis wrote:
> I got caught, apparently like many others, installing Gentoo to another PC.
> I've been running Ubuntu (probably Intrepid Ibex, two versions ago), so I
> know this video adapter is supported.  But various issues have ambushed me
> in trying to get this working.
> 1.  On first install, the keyboard didn't work.  I followed the
>  instructions to the letter, the mouse even worked, but the keyboard
>  didn't.  I killed off the windows one by one with the mouse, and the
>  machine was then stalled in that state.
> 2. I remembered a keyboard issue from my home machine, involving a new
> version of xorg, so I (unwisely perhaps) added the ~amd64 keyword to
> make.conf.  Thereupon followed a series of issues, involving one hypothesis
> after another.  I never saw a screen with the "X" cursor again.
> 3. There is an issue surrounding HAL.  I added a hal keyword, recompiled,
> tweaked the kernel: no good.  I got a black screen.  Keyboard wasn't
> working, so I followed a few more hunches.  I was unable to read the docs
>  in a nice screen, as I was using links.
> 4. Eventually I decided to put the hal keyword back in, and recompiled.  In
> the interim I had removed the ~amd keyword from make.conf, and I ran emerge
> -uDav --newuse world.  Thinking better of it, a few merges into that, I
> replaced the ~amd64 keyword, and started the same process.  I found along
> the way that I needed to serially recompile the kernel, re-merge
> xf86-input-*, etc., again.  I then decided to enable evdev, even though I
> was intimidated by that from my earlier issue with an nvidia card.
> 5.  I finally read some forum topics and mailing list threads.  Apparently
> this is not uncommon at ALL.  A gentoo wiki article about the Intel cards
> was referred to, but is unavailable.  Interestingly, even the google cache
> is clear of these missing gentoo wiki articles!
> I've finally left the machine overnight to run it's course of
> re-installation etc.  If that doesn't work, I have already copied over the
> grub.conf entry for the ubuntu install on the same disk, so that's an
> option.
> I guess my question is what is the correct way to go about installing
>  gentoo on a machine with these on board Intel adapters?
> [I can reinstall the whole system once I figure out what's going on.  I
>  must have this machine working within 24 hours, though, hence Ubuntu looms
>  on the horizon.]
> Alan Davis
> You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world,  but
>  when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the
>  bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing---that's what
>  counts.
>    ----Richard Feynman

the same as always, You emerge your base system. Then kernel. Then X. X 
drivers. Graphics, Mouse, Keyboard. You can either use evdev or kbd for 
keyboard. I prefer the later one. Hal or not doesn't make much of a difference.

The important thing is: after an X update you must reinstall the input 

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