J. Roeleveld a écrit :
> On Wednesday 09 September 2009 16:56:28 Xavier Parizet wrote:
>> J. Roeleveld a écrit :
>>> On Wednesday 09 September 2009 14:49:37 Xavier Parizet wrote:
>>>> J. Roeleveld a écrit :
>>>>> On Wednesday 09 September 2009 14:19:45 Xavier Parizet wrote:
>>>>>> J. Roeleveld a écrit :
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I know this is probably off-topic, but I'm hopefull someone on this
>>>>>>> list knows how to do this.
>>>>>>> My current situation:
>>>>>>> Postfix gets an email delivered for user X
>>>>>>> Postfix passes this to cyrus (lmtp-transport)
>>>>>>> if user X does not exist within cyrus, the email gets bounced.
>>>>>>> I would like this bounced email to be delivered to a seperate cyrus
>>>>>>> email folder.
>>>>>>> I tried to find the answer on google, but all the solutions I found
>>>>>>> either only work with the postfix local delivery agent (eg. not
>>>>>>> compatible with cyrus) or requires a list to be maintained using all
>>>>>>> the known email-boxes.
>>>>>>> I prefer a fall-back solution where an email directed at a user not
>>>>>>> listed in either the alias table (stored in ldap) or not known to
>>>>>>> cyrus is redirected to a specific cyrus mailbox.
>>>>>> A solution could be doing a catch-all alias (see [1]) :
>>>>>> if your domain is example.com, then add an alias mapping @example.com
>>>>>> to oneaddr...@example.com either using virtual alias or
>>>>>> /etc/postfix/aliases .
>>>>>> HTH.
>>>>>> [1] http://www.postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html
>>>>> I did notice this option, but it would require me to duplicate the
>>>>> alias table into a alias file. I tried setting a "@<domain>" entry in
>>>>> my ldap-tree, but this did not work.
>>>> If you use LDAP as a virtual backend, then [1] will then be a better
>>>> place to look. Setting mailacceptinggeneralid ldap attribute to
>>>> @<domain> seems to be the solution (if you use "standard" LDAP scheme).
>>>> HTH.
>>>> [1] http://www.postfix.org/LDAP_README.html#example_virtual
>>> I tried this, but when looking at the ldap logs, I notice that the
>>> 'domain' part does not exist in the search string.
>>> Eg. '%s' only shows the user, '%d' is empty, eg. query is ignored
>>> Does anyone know how I can force postfix to add the domain to the search
>>> query?
>> Is mydomain parameter set in /etc/postfix/main.cf ?
> Yes, I believe this is necessary for postfix to actually accept emails?

I don't think so.

> Or how else do I get this configured?

You can see if it is configured by doing a postconf -n . If it's not, then issue
a postconf -e mydomain=<your dns domain name>. For more information, man 

Posting your postconf -n output and your ldap.cf file can also help.


> Thanks,
> Joost 

      Xavier Parizet
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