Paul Hartman <> [09-09-12 20:42]:
> On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:40 AM,  <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >  for a long time I used IceWM as my windowmanager since I dont
> >  want to mimicry other OSses (...) or want session management.
> >  One thing, which is a must-have of windowmanagers I want to use
> >  is the possibility to control the windowmanager nearly completly
> >  with the keyboard (hotkeys configurable) which does *not*
> >  imply "uncontrollable by mouse" ;)
> >  Furthermore I should not be a hana-bi or anything else eye-candy
> >  like (nothing against hana-bi as hana-bi!) -- most of the time
> >  I will use the windowmanager instead of only looking at it -- which
> >  does not imply: "black anmd white ugly ascii thingy".
> >
> >  Since IceWM seems to be gone into hibernation phase I am looking for
> >  a replacement which should
> >  -- be widely configurable via ascii files
> >  -- be as far as possible controllable by keyboard
> >  -- be also useable with the mouse
> >  -- no eye-candy
> >  -- not ugly
> >  -- NOT tiling
> >  -- FAST!
> >
> >  I would like to hear from others what experiences they made with
> >  what windowmanagers.
> >
> >  Thank you very much in advance for any help!
> >  Best regards and have a nice weekend!
> >  Meino Cramer
> try Openbox, tiny but modern

Currently I am playing around with fluxbox. There is one thing, which
I do not get working (not knowing, whether I haven't found a way or
whether it is generally not possible...): The selection of
applikations in the apllikation ("root"-) menu via keyboard. Only the
first applikation can be selected via its first character.
If someone knows a way....?

The other thing is an up-to-date documentation I didn't found.

It is a little annoying, that menu structures, which were unfolded,
did not collapse as usual but need to be actively "clicked away"
(sorry, I am no native English speaker).

Is the fluxbox mailinglist of hrrrrmmmm low traffic or...? 

Unfortunately I found many text snippets on the internet, which
"explain" how to activate certain aspects of fluxbox without
explaining for what they are good for. But as I said...may be 
I did not find the correct documentation and use the wrong mailing

I like the tabbing feature, the look of fluxbox, its speed and
the possibility to steer much of its features via keyboard.
The configuration files are clean, simple and easy to understand.
Te time from installing to a working environment was very short.

The following question is NOT meant in a rhetorical way:

What would be reasons to switch to openbox?
What are the main differences between openbox and fluxbox?
(which is not meant as a firestarter for a flame war!!!)

I am not interested in a better embedding into KDE or GNOME
since I dont use them as an desktop environment -- I am only
using some of their applikations from time to time. The console
and the commandline is my homeplanet...old school but I am better
reading in text than in guessing icons... ;)
(dont meant too seriously but with a big smiley!)

Best regards

Please don't send me any Word- or Powerpoint-Attachments
unless it's absolutely neccessary. - Send simply Text.
In a world without fences and walls nobody needs gates and windows.

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