Michael Higgins wrote:
Perl 5.8 is at end-of-life.
Gentoo volunteers are *very* (PAINFULLY) slow in getting 5.10 into the
official tree. They unfortunately need all the help they can get, since
this is a major failure of Gentoo to "keep up" with the upstream
developers and (FWIW) other "distros". This isn't news, BTW...

Please report the error on b.g.o., so the perl herd (or whoever is
really doing the work now) can fix the problem. Also, #gentoo-perl is
the only place to get any real help on these gentoo-perl issues...
(devolution to IRC "chat" being yet another systemic failure, IMO, but
that's the place the folks making these mistakes may communicate with

Better yet, take the plunge and go on to install 5.10.1 from the
perl-experimental overlay (good luck with *that*) and report how you
fixed any issues you come across. It's only going to get to be a worse
mess unless everyone who is able picks up the slack for these guys. And
you will have to upgrade eventually anyway... so why not now?

My $.02, not terribly helpful though, I suppose. :(

FWIW I'm also running RT and it's 200 odd Perl module dependencies on the same machine. I can assure you that I have no interest in updating the whole stack to perl-5.10 and the QA nightmare that will require.

I solved this the old fashioned way after a bit of coffee this morning. Still seems like Portage should be smart enough to tell about the missing dep if I asked it correctly.

1. created fake perl-5.10 ebuild which was really just renaming perl-5.8.8-r2 and commenting out any {$PN} patches so I didn't need to make a bunch of fake patch files in files/. This allowed portage to tell me what was requiring perl-5.10 instead of bombing out.

2. Figured out that while the virtual/perl packages weren't specifying perl 5.10 the actual perl-core were which is why it didn't make sense earlier.

3. Doctored up portage.mask to mask the errant virtuals

Thought grumpy thoughts at developers who let packages into ~x86 with completely broken deps. Hard mask that crap next time.

4. Add the needed packages in portage.keywords and make it pretty and organized.

# bugzilla and deps for bugzilla-3.4.1-r1, added 20090919

And now I've got a fancy new bugzilla.


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