On Monday 21 September 2009 18:16:32 Paige Thompson wrote:
> I hope nobody finds this offensive, I'm not a great writer but I gotta get
> this out there.
> Goal: to resolve quality issues with packages and the behavior of portage
> Problem 1:
> This is a really simple thing, first of all it would help a lot if packages
> will not try to build with specified cxxflags if the maintainer hasn't
> tested the build and enabled them for that package.
> case and point:
> I have -fstack-protector-all in my cxxflags because I'm a paranoid idiot
>  and I'm overly confident that it could never be wrong to have that. emacs,
>  fails to build because of it but it's not obvious. I file a really
>  pedantic bug report, and later through trial and error and after having
>  gotten over my confidence in -fstack-protector-all realized that without
>  it the package *does* build. If the ebuild had a feature where it's
>  metadata did not indicate that it could build with that cxxflag, then
>  portage could stop and just tell me that up front *OR* prompt me and ask
>  me what do next. I understand that this would require package maintainers
>  to actually *test* their packages which is no trivial issue, and who
>  wouldn't agree that if they're not willing to then somebody else should?
>  Not only that but it gives you the ability to score maintainers based on
>  the accuracy of the results. I'm not even suggesting that this feature
>  should be mandatory it could be something that I could turn on or off-- I
>  just want it so that I know what's going on and I don't end up wasting
>  people's time filing bug reports and making them mad at me for being a
>  noob.
> Problem 2:
> I know this is might be kind of nitpicky to you, and it's more or less the
> same as problem 1 but I think if I specify -O0 in my cxxflags, that a
> package that needs -O2 should not build and tell me that it needs it rather
> than just building with -O2 anyway!! I mean seriously, why even give me the
> option to specify the optimization level in the cxxflags. It's deceptive, I
> don't like that I find it very difficult to take it seriously because of
> that.

This is the wrong forum for that. You need to take it up with the devs, IIRC 
they are at gentoo-dev. Few of them read this list.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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