In <> (Stroller) writes:

>On 22 Sep 2009, at 14:51, Konstantinos Agouros wrote:
>> ...
>> I set this up and I am able to receive faxes. Googling fax to email  
>> gave
>> me many hits on the opposite, but is there a simple way to get hylafax
>> to send the received fax to an email address with the .tif as  
>> attachment?

>Uh, I was about to write about how this is so easy on vgetty, and  
>explain how it does it, and say "maybe Hylafax does it in a similar  
>manner", but then I stopped to Google "Hylafax email".

>The second link is from the Hylafax FAQ and explains how to do exactly  
>what you ask:

>Please forgive me if you've already tried this. Apparently there are  
>two versions of Hylafax, so perhaps this doesn't apply to yours. But  
>if this is the case, you need to say that when posting.
Thanks this was the link I was searching for. 
I think I was too specific in using 'fax 2 email' or variations of that
in my search string. Now if I get it to send faxes I am happy :)



Dipl-Inf. Konstantin Agouros aka Elwood Blues. Internet:
Altersheimerstr. 1, 81545 Muenchen, Germany. Tel +49 89 69370185
"Captain, this ship will not survive the forming of the cosmos." B'Elana Torres

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