On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:27 PM, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:
> 090929 Paul Hartman wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 2:04 AM, Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:
>>> The one exception is Konsole, which is a shadow of 3.5.10 ,
>> According to changelog the KDE4 version of Konsole has added :
> Quick reactions, further advice welcome :
>> automatic tab titles (shows current directory) -- trivial
>> split screen mode -- yes, mb useful, but similar to tabs
>> performance increase on scrolling large terminals -- don't need it
>> better profile set-up dialogs -- yes, but they still don't work properly
>> runs all Konsole sessions from a single process -- useful for what ?
>> can use personalized profile in embedded Konsoles -- don't need it
>> easy SSH session bookmarking -- can't find it
>> much improved search -- no sign of it (present in 3.5.10)
>> real transparency -- don't need it
>> new themes -- don't need them (I use Fluxbox)
>> open your GUI file manager in the current directory -- trivial
>> mouse-wheel scrolls pgms that don't naturally support it (eg Less) -- yes
> So yes, a couple of small items I mt use occasionally.
>> What's missing from the 3.x series ?
> A much longer list of schemas, start root console, search (see above),
> set window geometry (inside Konsole or when starting it: see my bug list).
> I am hopeful the KDE devs will restore more with 4.4.1 & 4.5.1 ,
> but it hasn't happened yet.


Points well taken; I don't use the features you're missing and
honestly I don't use most of the new ones either. :)  "Open Browser
Here" is the most useful one to me (it even works in Midnight
Commander relative to which pane is currently active).

In re-reading my previous message to you in this thread I hope it
didn't seem confrontational to you, or if it led people to pile on,
that was not my intention at all. I was simply curious what was
missing since the few features I use seemed to have gone unchanged or
been improved. So my apologies in case you took it that way. Often
I'll write short, direct e-mails on these lists while I'm on a phone
call or doing other things and sometimes lack the forethought or
communication skills necessary to convey the
almost-certainly-always-good-spirited nature of my question. :)


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