On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 01:18 -0400, Denis wrote:
> libguide.so

I don't have this one, and I don't know what it is.

> libgmp.so.3

This is probably the gmp (GNU Multiple Precision) arithmetic library.

> libvml.so

I don't have this one, but I'm pretty sure it is part of Intel MKL (see

> libmkl.so
> libmkl_def.so
> libmkl_lapack32.so
> libmkl_lapack64.so
> libmkl_p3.so
> libmkl_p4.so
> libmkl_p4p.so
> libmkl_vml_def.so
> libmkl_vml_p3.so
> libmkl_vml_p4.so
> libmkl_vml_p4p.so

These are part of the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL).

My original Mathematica install had the following Qt libraries, in
addition to a Qt plugins directory:
libQt3Support.so.4  libQtCore.so.4  libQtGui.so.4  libQtNetwork.so.4
libQtSql.so.4  libQtSvg.so.4  libQtXml.so.4

These are all Qt 4 libraries, which did not exist when Mathematica 5
came out. I do not know what toolkit Wolfram used instead, but I was
hoping it would be Qt3, GTK, or some other standard toolkit, as that
would have potentially solved your issue. Are the files you listed all
of the .so files under your Mathematica installation directory? Also,
could you post the output of ldd on your main Mathematica executable?
The main executable for me is
This will indicate what libraries Mathematica uses.

Another thing to try is playing with Java. Mathematica also ships its
own bundled version of Java (again, Mathematica 7, I don't know about
version 5). I have never tried to have Mathematica use sun-jdk instead
of the bundled version, but it may be worth a go. As far as I know,
Mathematica only uses Java for J/Link and not for the user interface
(unless using custom interfaces with GUIKit - I've never tried that), so
this probably is not the culprit, but you might try it. I have had
problems with Java and Xlib/XCB in the past, even when there was no GUI.

Another place where you might find more information or issues is
Help->About->System Information->Devices (or similar).

You might also check to see if you have any updates available:

If none of the above works, I would suggest reverting the upgraded
packages individually to figure out which package or packages causes the
issue. From there it would be much easier to figure out what is causing
the issue.

If you post the output of the ldd command above, I might be able to find
the source of the issue, or at least narrow down the search for which
package is causing the issue, but other than that there's not much more
I can do. Sorry, I don't have a copy of Mathematica 5 to play with to
see if I can reproduce this; I still used Maple back then, before I made
the switch to Mathematica 6.

Is there a particular function that seems to trigger the crash when
scrolling or does scrolling crash X every time? 

Good luck. I hope any of this helps.


Brandon Vargo

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