On Mittwoch 14 Oktober 2009, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> Dale schrieb:
> > Does a Vic 20 count?  It had 4K of ram.  I bet KDE 4 would run fast on
> > that.  LOL
> >
> > At least it wasn't running winders.
> I remember upgrading my 8088 from 128 kB to 640 kB, it was about 50 EUR
> (back then there was no EUR, sure) ..
> I feel kinda old thinking of this ;-)
> And today I got 2 new servers at a customer, 64 GB RAM each ... modern
> times ...
> At least there I know how to make use of it ...
> Stefan

I remember standing in front of two Sun servers with 4gb each a couple of 
years ago.
I was stuck in awe. So much ram. 

Today my desktop has 8gb - and I am thinking about 16 in the next 12 month.

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