=== On Sat, 10/17, Harry Putnam wrote: ===
> I wondered if there is anything like that for Xfce and if anyone knows
> what that applet it?


I don't use that applet, and I think I would find that annoying.
Here's what I do.

I have a shell script:

276 !$ cat ~/bin/urlhelper 

SEL=$(xclip -o -selection primary)

if [ $? == 0 ] ; then
        xdg-open "$SEL"

(be sure to emerge "xclip")

Bound to a hot-key using the xfce4 keyboard configuration to <Super>-g
(for GO). 

Then, whenever I know I have some url selected (I don't need an applet
to tell me) I just have to press the key combination and off it
goes. :-)

-- Keith Dart

-- --------------------
Keith Dart

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