On Sunday 01 November 2009 00:25:55 Mike Edenfield wrote:
> On 10/31/2009 4:59 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > Even it's author knows this (but apparently many distros do not) which is
> > why he deprecated hal and started over with devicekit.
> Speaking of which...
> Has the switchover to devicekit officially started and I
> missed it?  And if so, is there some migration guide of some
> sort I can peruse for assistance?
> I just upgraded Xorg and Gnome yesterday and my previously
> more-or-less-working with hal system went belly up.  It no
> longer recognizes my synaptics touchpad, and in fact refused
> to start X until I re-merged the kdb/mouse drivers, and
> gnome-power-manager is totally useless.
> For the record, I'm all about moving to devicekit from hal
> if that's where the dev(s) are moving, but I'd rather do so
> while continuing to use my laptop :)

devicekit was only recently added to portage, and last time I looked the 
hardware it supported was nowhere near hal yet.

So the answer to your question is unfortunately no

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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