On 06/11/09 Harry Putnam said:

> > Some examples would be helpful.
> echo $SHELL for sure.

It's /bin/bash.

Damn, this actually seems inconsistent. I did a fresh login and background
jobs with output to stdout aren't hanging. 

Oh wait, one just did. It started fine...

msoul...@anton:~$ backup_pa.sh &
[1] 15388
msoul...@anton:~$ Backup up remote dirs etc/httpd usr/local/etc git var/www
home/pawsitiveapproach to local file pa_backup.20091107.tar.gz...

msoul...@anton:~$ jobs
[1]+  Running                 backup_pa.sh &

and then

[1]+  Stopped                 backup_pa.sh

but if I bring it to the foreground...

msoul...@anton:~$ fg

Hmm, it doesn't seem to be running actually, it looks like it's still
sleeping... All it's doing is running a remote tar over ssh.

My "at" jobs tend to hang for the same reason, but only on that box. I can't
explain it, and I don't know what would control that.

Michael P. Soulier <msoul...@digitaltorque.ca>
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a
touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction."
--Albert Einstein

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