I've got my netbook basically set up to do what I need,
but there are  3  problems remaining, which seem to be fairly basic bugs.

(1) I've already mentioned the problem of compiling Lm_sensors.
Dale refered to Bug 282261, whose conclusion seems to be
to try the latest testing version 3.1.1 , which I will do tomorrow.

(2) Fluxbox is working nicely, as it does on my desktop machine ANB3,
but I thought I'ld have a look at Xfce, which looks nice in SystemRescue.
Xfce opens as root, but not as user ! -- there have been lengthy debates
in the Arch forum, which seems to be a different world from Gentoo (smile),
but nothing seems to have been resolved.  It ought to be a permissions error,
but there's no sign where it might be happening.  There's an error msg
"Module fbcon not found", but that may not be the real problem.

(3) Dillo "can't start dpi daemon" (no such problem on ANB3).
I can't find anything sensible & have no idea what that daemon mb.

Does anyone have any suggestions ?

Otherwise, I've installed Gkrellm (incl a battery monitor), Gvim, Feh,
Xpdf, Xcalc, Gnumeric, Mirage, Ristretto & Lynx (from its own source);
also Thunar (its site tells how to reduce the size of its font)
& Terminal (Xfce, same author), which also cb fine-tuned for the netbook.

As I said in another msg, I'm very impressed both with the ASUS netbook
& with the power + ease of Gentoo to install a customised Linux there.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,   Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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