Alan McKinnon writes:

> On Monday 16 November 2009 21:40:42 Alex Schuster wrote:
> > Alan McKinnon writes:

> > > I get errors like this whenever amarok updates the collection:
> > >
> > > amarok:          [ERROR!] GREPME MySQL query failed! No database
> > >  selected  on "INSERT INTO images SELECT * FROM images_temp;"
> >
> > Not here. Sometimes the collection gets screwed up a little, but I do
> > not get any output when re-scanning the collection.

It just happened again. I added a new folder to my /data/mp3 hierarchy 
(metal), put some folders of music into it, marked it as collection folder 
and told amarok to re-scan the collection. When I search for 'metallica', 
it finds 'Rapoon'. When I drag a metallica album folder directly into 
amarok, it shows the album's name correctly, but the artist is 'Rapoon'.

I unmarked all of my collection's folders, let amarok re-scan, and now the 
collection is empty. I added all the folders again, scanned, and I have 
the same problem.

I deleted ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok/mysqle, started amarok and let it 
scan, now all is fine again. Seems I have to do this once in a while.

> I have now made a decision. I was a faithful amarok user for 5 years.
>  In the kde-3.5 days it worked flawlessly and never gave a day's
>  trouble. The switch to KDE-4 has been fraught with problems from day 1
>  - all the decent features went away, then the devs spent two years
>  fiddling with the gui while the palyer didn't *actually* play music
>  (gee whizz, whodathunkedit? That a user might actually play music on
>  his media player). Then the monumental cock-up with MySQL and -fPIC,
>  the jumping through hoops that caused with every single distro out
>  there, mysql-5.1.* is still not in the tree un-hardmasked, and now
>  this crap.

I had my bunch of problems with the new amarok, too. And still, I like it. 
I got used to it, I like the new layout, it gets song texts fine (which 
stopped working for the old amarok some time ago).

> Amarok, it was nice knowing you. One day you might build and play music
>  again on all sane systems out there. Meanwhile, I think I want to hear
>  songs play so some other player is going on this machine and you are
>  coming off.

What about using amarok 1.4, until 2.x works fine for you?

Mine does not work any longer, though. Just noted this when I started it 
to compare with the 2.2 one, did not do this a while ago. 
/usr/kde/3.5/bin/amarok immediately throws an 'illegal instruction' error. 
Huh? I did not change my CFLAGS, they are "-march=k8-sse3 -mfpmath=sse -O2 
-pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" on a AMD Athlon 4850e. The k8-sse3 should be 
sane, gcc -Q --help=target -march=native lists it. I am not sure where I 
got the -mfpmath=sse from. I rebuilt amarok 1.4, and get the same error, 
probably somewhere in kdelibs or such stuff. Strange. Let's see if this 
happens with other stuff, too.


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