On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 23:47:21 +0200, Alan McKinnon
> Hi,
> I need a 32 bit browser running 32 bit java on an ~amd64 system (that's
> the 
> only combination that works on the company vpn, it's complicated).
> firefox-bin works, but it interferes with the regular firefox installed
> when 
> run.
> A 32 bit Opera would be ideal but for some bizarre reason it insists
> libaudio.so *must* be present, which is provided by nas. And mine is 64
> bit. 
> None of the emul-linux-x86 packages seem to provide it.
> What's an easy way to get such a lib, keeping in mind that I don't have
> handy 32 bit machine to snarf one off of?

You can just search for the package at http://rpm.pbone.net/, uncompress
it and pick the lib from there.

Jesús Guerrero

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