On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 04:07:44PM +0100, Penguin Lover laurent squawked:
> Is it a common thing, or really easy to do,  to redirect the content from a 
> server to another one?
> Like launching an lil app telling the port to listen and then get all data 
> travelling there??

You need to be a bit more precise about what you mean...

If you are talking about client A sitting behind router B which
interfaces with Big Scary Internet C, then it is trivial for the
router B to have a transparent proxy or some other form of package
re-write that redirects your traffic. 

If you are talking about client A and server B and server C then it is
also trivial for server B to redirect all its traffic to server C. 

If you are talking about client A and server B and Bad server C and
attacker D, I don't see how in general the attacker D can redirect
traffic from B to C, unless D somehow sits on the only node that
connects A to B (in which case you are essentially back to scenario
1). (Yes yes, there are DNS injections and what nots, but in essence
they are just variations of scenario 1.) 

There are also other possible scenarios. So please describe in a bit
more detail what you are thinking of and why you care. 



English lessons for programmers #28: 
    "Fewer" is of type int; whereas "less" is of type double. 
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