On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 9:16 PM, daid kahl <daid...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 12/4/2009 10:21 PM, Dale wrote:
>>> Thanks goodness for Konsole and being able to scroll up.
>> Where I come from, we use " | less" :p
> Meh, just > into /tmp and use anything you want to view it if you
> really want to be hardcore.
> Less is really crappy for emerges at console-login.  It requires you
> to hold down the page-down button pretty much (unless there is some
> option I don't know about?  Does captial G do it like in vi?)  I also
> don't like that less makes my colors disappear.  Sure, it's not really
> important, but I mostly say this so someone can tell me I'm wrong and
> how to fix it.

In less, pressing F will put it in "follow" mode, to act like tail.
Not sure how that'd work for monitoring emerges and such on the fly
(never really used that feature, just know of it), but less is, in
general, very handy for sifting through emerge --pretend.

"emerge --color y ..." will override disabling color when the output
isn't a tty (which is the default because it doesn't know whether
you're piping to something that can handle the color codes or not).

> This matters sometimes if I'm doing work at console to unbreak my
> system and I'm getting an emerge error (not the colors, but the lack
> of auto-refresh or tailing).

Color's sometimes helpful too, since it provides added visual queues
so you can process what you're looking at just a hair faster ;)

> Regards,
> daid

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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