Hi All,

I got mixed up with the various .fdi files in a previous thread, thinking that 
this is what killed my X GUI.  However, it seems that the problem is most 
likely related to rc.conf.  Has this file been done away with as far as Gentoo 
is concerned?  I say this because I discovered that running dispatch.conf 
after sys-apps/baselayout-1.12.13 substitutes /etc/rc.conf with an empty file.  
Mind you, even if the file contains the previous information about XSESSION 
xdm or slim do not seem to use it now.

If this is the case, am I right to assume that the files in 
/etc/X11/Sessions/* are not used anymore and the solution is to set up a local 
~/.xinitrc file for launching the desired WM?

I am muddled up because I have forever it seems used /etc/rc.conf to manage 
the XSESSION which xdm would pick from /etc/X11/Sessions/* to start different 

Right now I have copied the contents of /etc/X11/Sessions/fluxbox into 
~/.xinitrc, added slim's /usr/share/doc/slim-1.3.1-r4/xinitrc.sample.bz2 and 
that's how I can get fluxbox to come up.

What is the default Gentoo way these days of bringing up an X session?

PS.  Is there a clever way of killing slim?  It seems that /etc/init.d/xdm 
stop/zap won't kill slim or the X session that it starts.  I need to manually 
run kill -9 to make it give up.

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