On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 07:43:37PM +0800, Penguin Lover Xi Shen squawked:
> my X it self works well with chinese. but the dolphin does not work
> well with chinese. if any file contains chinese (or any non-ascii)
> characters, it simply will not be displayed in the list. how can i fix
> this?

I don't use KDE, so just a random guess: Did you install localization
for KDE? (kde-i10n)


A biologist, a physicist, and a mathematician are standing outside of
an empty building. Two people walk in. After a few minutes, three 
people walk out.

"Aha!" the biologist says, "they must be breeding!"

"No, no," the physisist replies "this could be bad. In order to preserve the 
laws of thermodynamics, someone else must go into the building."

The mathematician protests "But if someone else goes into the building,
it will be empty." 
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 1107 days, 15:24

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