On Sat, 19 Dec 2009 19:01:03 -0500
"Michael P. Soulier" <msoul...@digitaltorque.ca> wrote:

> On 19/12/09 Albert Hopkins said:
> > Create an local overlay. Put the ebuild in there.
> I'll need to read up on how. The section on overlays left me with the
> impression that overlays were for experimental code, not for keeping
> private copies of packages.

Yeah, that's too bad, because having your own overlay is a Good Thing,
IMO, in that it gives you some starting point for your own packages.

> Anyway, I think I'll remove it from the world file, and mask it out,
> and look into the overlay. At least it will be ignored when I emerge
> world.

Why remove it from world file? Just put it in your overlay and mask any
later versions, like '>whateverpackage-N.NN-rN' (the version you want to
keep) in package.mask, I think.

> I found that the > in the package.mask wasn't always enough though,
> as if I used the --update argument to emerge and my version wasn't in
> the portage tree anymore, emerge would get silly and offer to

Except that it *will* be in the portage tree, in your personal overlay,
unless *you* delete your ebuild. ;-)

> downgrade.


-- Michael Higgins

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