On Saturday 26 December 2009 19:29:10 Xi Shen wrote:
> hi,
> my system is gentoo amd64, kde-4.3, my graphic card is nvidia's. i use
> nvidia-settings to set up my two displayer to work in the tweenview
> mode. it supposed to have two separate desktop, instead it have a
> large desktop expand two displayer.
> on gnome and windows, tweenview always sets up two separate desktop.
> how can i set this on kde?

Per the nvidia-driver docs (/usr/share/doc/nvidia-drivers-190.53/README.bz2), 
TwinView is designed to give you one large desktop and there's not much you 
can do about that in KDE.

See Chap 15 of that same doc for a description of how to configure two 
separate screens.

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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