On 12/29/2009 7:17 PM, Albert Hopkins wrote:
On Wed, 2009-12-30 at 00:08 +0100, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
just think a moment of the tons of bug fixes constantly going into
ext4. That
crap is not stable. Pre-alpha maybe.
People say this from time to time, yet I have been running ext4 on my
root directory of my laptop since July 2008.  The only problem I've had
since then is one time it would not mount on boot.  I merely had to fsck
it from a live media an then it was ok (nothing lost or currupted).  But
that was a long time ago when it was still ext4dev.  And I've had
numerous crashes and battery depletions on the laptop without incident.
So the pre-alpha FUD that some people are spreading is either not true
or I just happen to be the luckiest ext4 user in the world :-).
For my two cents, a while back I was on ext4 and was trying to get xorg working. My problem was that the input drivers were not working (because they had not been recompiled after an update), so once I ran startx, no keyboard or mouse input was registered. This meant that every time I tried something which I thought would fix it, I had to hard reset the system and look at the logs. The only problem was that the logs had the wrong contents because they had been "written to" but not actually flushed to the disk, and it took me about 10 hard resets to figure that out. Even though I was running ext4, I never lost a thing (except the logs :p).

For the curious, I eventually got good logs by running shutdown -h 1 in one tty right before running startx in the other, and that shutdown the system correctly.


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