The eix-remote -q update command should take care of that. Try running it and searching for something that you know isn't in one of the overlays that you use :-)

On Wed, 30 Dec 2009 14:58:44 +0100, Mark Knecht <> wrote:

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 2:44 AM, Alan McKinnon <> wrote:
On Wednesday 30 December 2009 12:27:12 Neil Bothwick wrote:

I think he wants to know what overlay a given ebuild is in without installing
the overlay first

eix wwon't show the contents of not-installed overlays

Yes, thanks Alan. That is what I was asking. I guess I should have
posted that eix subsclipse showed nothing on my machines:

dragonfly ~ # eix subclipse
No matches found.
dragonfly ~ #

After adding the trauma overlay with layman now I see it:

dragonfly ~ # layman -l
* trauma                    [Subversion]
(               )
dragonfly ~ # eix subclipse
* dev-util/eclipse-subclipse-bin [1]
     Available versions:  1.1.9!s 1.2.0!s
     Description:         Subversion support for Eclipse (binary)

[1] "" /usr/local/portage/layman/trauma
dragonfly ~ #

but how do I determine that it's in trauma in the first place?

This came up the other day where Grant was asking about rt-sources and
I was able to answer because I use it and knew which overlay to tell
him to add, but then I hit the wall myself and didn't know how to
figure this out short of adding all overlays which seemed silly.

I had hoped that layman would have a way to search non-installed
overlays but I didn't find that so I asked here.

And thanks to Neil who at least told me what overlay had a binary
version. Unfortunately it appears it an older version of subclipse
that's not intended for use with eclipse-3.5.


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