On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 18:41:35 +0100, Alex Schuster <wo...@wonkology.org> wrote:

Zeerak Waseem writes:

I have some questions about sets:
1) Sets are just files with one package per line in /usr/portage/sets,

I think it's /etc/portage/sets instead. And there are also meta-sets like
system, world, module-rebuild, preserved-rebuild and more, defined in
/usr/share/portage/config/sets.conf. There is a little documentation in
the emerge man page, but I have no idea where else sets are documented.

2) Can a set be included in the world file?

I don't think so, sets go into /var/lib/portage/world_sets.

3) With set files in /usr/portage/sets and running "emerge -u @foo"
portage yields that @foo isn't a valid package atom, any idea why this

Your portage is too old? In case of an error, you should get an "emerge:
There are no sets to satisfy 'foo'" message, and a list of known sets.


Ah well, having the sets in the wrong place would give me an error.
And regarding portage version, weren't sets included in v. 2.x.x? My portage version is, anything above seems to be hardmasked...


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