On Tue, 2010-01-12 at 15:15 +0100, Laurent Kappler wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for some information about the configuration for a server 
> used only for a huge database.
> I guess dépendanding on which database server used Mysql or Berkley the 
> hardware should not be same.
> Or is it all about having a lot of RAM ?
> Could I do that using only Mysql or is it possible to have Mysql and 
> Berkley, or should I have just Berkley ... ?

Could you do *what*?

Do you mean Berkely DB?  Berkely DB isn't really a DBMS.  It's more of a
flat-file database.  It's not even relational, it's key->value based.


One could argue that MySQL isn't a real DBMS too but I won't get into
that ;-)

Anyway it's very difficult to answer your questions without knowing what
your requirments are (how large is "huge", how many simultaneous users,
anticipated queries/sec etc.)

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