On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 23:11 +0000, Harry Putnam wrote:
> I'm probably way behind the eightball asking something like this,
> but I'm wondering what role `dev-libs/boost' plays with encfs.
Boost is a C++ library.  It provides facilities for such things as
handling XML, abstracting filesystems, complex data structures, etc,

See http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0

encfs is a FUSE and accompanying utilties.  It utilizes C++ and uses a
few libraries, among them Boost.

> The home page indicates its something of a helper application for
> using cpp++ programming language and applications.
It's a library, not an application (qlist boost).

> The reason I ask is that it appears to be up there with kde when
> it comes to compiling that critter.
It's C++.  g++ is slow.

> I'm rebuilding my main desktop from scratch install and have been
> used to using encfs for some private data... I don't recall having
> to wrestle `boost' to the ground when I installed encfs (long ago).
> I may just have been too busy to see it burning up time.  But what
> seems like hrs is just a bit lenghy for something that is billed 
> as a sort of helper application.
It's a library. Not a helper application.  It includes a lot of useful
stuff (although encfs probably uses only a few of them).

> Well its really only been a little over an hour but I see no signs of 
> the end coming near in the present output...
> I'ts not really a big complaint... I'm more curious than put out.  
> Being a retiree and lazy to boot I have the time for it... hehe. 
> Oh, and my hardware is not that uptodate ... its p4 celeron 3.0 cpu
> with 3GB ram.  

If you *really* want to know what encfs uses Boost for you could, of
course, examine the source :)  But you really only need to know that
it's a big C++ library that's used by encfs.

Go grab a coffee or do a load of laundry or something.


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