Alan McKinnon wrote:
On Tuesday 02 February 2010 17:34:42 Tom Hendrikx wrote:
As for the issue with openrc:

=sys-apps/openrc-0.6.0-r1 depends on =sys-apps/sysvinit-2.87-r3, and
both are in ~arch. Unmask both, emerge them, run etc-update and be fine.

Portage's blocker list has historically been confusing and difficult for users to parse. They often don't know what to do - how many posts like that have you answered where the answer is simply "unmerge this, merge that, merge world"?

It makes sense to me, probably to you too, and not much sense to a large chunk of gentoo userland. Latest portage fixes all that and makes it a non-issue.

Those messages stump me too. I'm sort of getting to where they make sense but you have to think backward so that they do make sense. You sort of have to start at the bottom of the list and work your way up. I'm sure glad the latest portage takes care of most of that. I'm using Portage 2.2_rc62 and I have not had any problems with it.

:-) :-)

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