On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Xi Shen <davidshe...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> my system is gentoo amd64. my /etc/env.d/01locale is empty. after i
> compiled mplayer, the output info is chinese, and i cannot read it
> console, even though i can read it in the xterm. how to make the
> output to english?
> in my /etc/locale.gen file, i do have chinese support.
> and, my mplayer does not have man page. i tried to add the 'doc' use
> flag, but it does not have affect.
> --
> Best Regards,
> David Shen
> http://twitter.com/davidshen84/

ok, i figured it out myself. i double checked my environment, and
found that the LC_CTYPE was set the "en_US.UTF8". but i do not
understand why it compiles my 'mplayer' to display chinese. after i
changed the LC_CTYPE value to "en_US" and recompile 'mplayer', the
output info becomes english, and the man page is back.

Best Regards,
David Shen


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