WALRUS ~ # whoami
WALRUS ~ # ls -l /usr/portage/x11-misc/icesndcfg/
ls: cannot access /usr/portage/x11-misc/icesndcfg/icesndcfg-1.3.ebuild:
Permission denied
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root    2675 2008-05-09 09:37 ChangeLog
-rw-r--r-- 1 root    root     771 2008-05-09 09:37 Manifest
?????????? ? ?       ?          ?                ? icesndcfg-1.3.ebuild
-rw-r--r-- 1 portage portage  224 2003-07-07 09:54 metadata.xml

The situation with icesndcfg-1.3.ebuild above is disallowing a complete
"emerge --sync".
I don't know how to resolve the problem since even root can't
access/overwrite this (bogus?) file. Any help available?

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