On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 6:50 PM, YoYo siska <y...@gl.ksp.sk> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 05:33:35PM +0100, Damian wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 4:05 PM, Willie Wong <ww...@math.princeton.edu> 
>> wrote:
>> > On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 03:45:14PM +0100, Damian wrote:
>> >> So I tried to see how xdg-open works, but the man page didn't give me
>> >> any useful information. The related command, xdg-mime, doesn't work as
>> >> I expected.
>> >
>> > I asked a similar question a week or so back.
>> I searched in my mails but I couldn't find it. Sorry, I probably
>> didn't enter a relevant search string.
>> >> But xdg-open (and therefore beagle-search) still refuses to open jpeg
>> >> images with geeqie.
>> >>
>> >> Any ideas?
>> >
>> > xdg-open is just a shell script. If you are interested, take a look at
>> >  less `which xdg-open`
>> > and you will be enlightened as to why it is a complete piece of crap
>> > unless you are using KDE, GNOME, or XFCE. (Hint, notice how nowhere in
>> > the script does it read whatever you modified with xdg-mime.)
>> >
>> > A possible way to work around it (depends on your application, which,
>> > in your case, is beagle, which I am not familiar with) is to go into
>> > the offending application that is calling xdg-open and see if you can
>> > configure MIME types in there yourself. The application that made me
>> > look this up, Jabref, does allow that configuration. Your mileage can
>> > of course vary.
>> Thanks Willie for your answer.
>> Sadly beagle-search doesn't offer any option. The developers must use
>> only gnome.
>> I guess I will have so find another beagle front end, or choose a
>> different desktop search engine.
> xdg-open tries to determine the desktop enviroment you are running and
> uses its way to open files...
> If you are in a kde session, it will just run kfmclient XXX (kde way to
> open files in their application), for gnome it will use gnome-open or
> something...
> So even if you are not logged in a "full" gnome or kde session, but have
> some of its packages installed, you can "trick" xdg-open to use that
> enviroment
> for kde just export KDE_FULL_SESSION=true,
> for gnome GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=something
> so you can run beagle-search with
> GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID=something beagle-search
> you have to  set which applications to use in corresponding config
> (for kde, just run konqueror/dolphin and right click a file, don't know
> for gnome)
> for kde, you need the package kde-base/kfmclient, which should depend
> juast on kdelibs, for gnome-open you need gnome-base/libgnome, which
> shouldn't have much dependences that you don't have allready if you have
> some gtk app..
> btw, gnome-open/kfcmclient will open files in any available program that
> correctly registers its mime-types, not only in kde/gnome apps..., so
> you really need only kfmclient/libnome to use it...
> one last remark, if set KDE_FULL_SESSION/GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID for
> xdg-open and it starts a gnome/kde app, that app might think that there
> are some desktop specific things running, that are not, though I haven't
> seen any real problems with it...
> You might however just edit the "detectDE" function in xdg-open to
> always behave like gnome/kde without settings the variables...
> yoyo
> PS the idea of xdg-open using a browser, when it cannont detect which DE
> are you running, is that a browser usually knows how to open which
> files... and you should have your preffered browser set in $BROWSER...
Thanks a lot for that nice explanation.

I've exported  export BROWSER=gnome-open, and this way I could fix my problem.


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